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How To Make The Most Of Your Desk Space

How To Make The Most Of Your Desk Space

In our workplaces, we want to be as productive as possible, so it is important that we make the most of our desk space. An untidy computer desk can be uninspiring and can affect your focus, which can reduce your output and efficiency while in the office. In this article, we will look at how you can make the most of your desk space. If you are looking to better utilise your desk area take note now to improve your working days.

Go digital with everything

Having large amounts of documents and files scattered around your desk can leave your space cluttered and can make it difficult for you to maintain your work in order. Analog documents take a lot of effort to keep organised and it can be hard to find the file you are looking for. So, we recommend going fully digital. Keeping all of your documents in digital format will allow you to search for files by keywords or the date, so you can access your work in a more easy and simple manner. Another advantage of going digital is the ability to back up your files. This can be done via a memory stick or hard drive so you can always keep your work to hand, or via the cloud. So, you can have access to your digital documents anywhere to make your life easier. Not only will this clean up your desk, but it will also make you better organised so you can be more efficient with your work.

Clear the clutter

Clutter can cause us to become unproductive and lead to procrastination. Keeping a clutter-free desk is refreshing for the mind and gives you an organised space to produce your best work. The more mess that is stacked around your desk, the more likely it is to lower your spirits. Ensuring your desk is not overcrowded gives you the space to be more productive and efficient, as you will have a bigger area to make use of. If you have any unrelated projects or finished work still floating around your desk, we suggest storing these in an under desk pedestal or getting rid of these files. This will allow you to concentrate on what needs to be completed next, alongside clearing much needed space around your desk.

Invest in storage

Having a desk full of reports, files and notes can take up a large area of your desk and it can lead to you becoming very unorganised. Investing in office storage could solve all of your problems. Instead of having papers all over your desk, adding cupboards and filing cabinets to your office will allow you to clear your space and become instantly organised. Even a simple desk organiser would give you more space to become more productive. If storing equipment and materials becomes too much onsite at your office, you could consider storing your files away from the office or even with a storage company. This would allow everyone in your organisation to make the most of their desk space.

Organise your desk before you leave to go home

A deep clean of your desk is not needed every night but if you make the effort to clean up your desk so it is clear for your next working day, you will be ready to work straight away. Just by removing any rubbish and stacking files and reports together will have your desk set for another day of work. So, with a small amount of work, you can save yourself from the unnecessary headache of cleaning up at the start of the morning. With the time saved in the morning, you can spend doing daily tasks so you will be more prepared for your day. This will bring the benefit of being more consistent with tidying up your desk and also will lead to more productive days.

Use cable management accessories

Loose cables, cords and power supply bricks can take up valuable desk space, however cable clutter doesn’t need to be a problem that you suffer with. There are many cable management products available today that allow you to organise your cables and keep them out of the way. A simple cable tray can store your wires together, so they are out of sight, making your desk look much cleaner and tidier. If you are not a big fan of cables you could get rid of some altogether by switching to a wireless keyboard and mouse, so you can also work remotely around your office. Having cables unnecessarily lying around our desks stops us from utilising our desks efficiently, so look to invest in cable management accessories now.

Pick a desk layout which fits your workflow

To make the most of your desk space it is crucial that you have chosen a desk layout which fits your natural workflow. If your setup is not favoured to how you work and operate than it is more than likely that you will not be as productive or efficient as you could be. So, don’t think that you have to set your desk up like everyone else, find what works best for you. Finding the best layout to suit your daily routine is more important here, as this will enable you to work at a much better output. You could trial new methods to find better layouts to suit your working style, so you can move forward to optimising your space better.

Place a bin by your desk

Placing a bin by your desk may seem like a very simple idea, however having a desk bin at your disposable will stop your space from getting full of unneeded rubbish. This ensures that you clear rubbish off of your desk straight away instead of letting it build-up, so cluttering is prevented. You could also look to add recycling bins by your desk so you can start to recycle any paper or plastics that you are thinking of throwing away. Not only will this make you a star to the environment it will also clear your desk, so you have more space to utilise. Try adding bins and recycling bins to your desk today to optimise your desk space.

Colour code your documents

If you are not sure on the idea of going digital to store your files, a great alternative is to colour code your documents. This will allow you to keep all of your files organised and in order so you can have a report at your hands when you need it. You will benefit from better organisation as it will be easier to identify documents due to colour coding and this will also clear up space on your desk. Moving forward you will be able to utilise the space of your desk much better while still having your physical files available to view at any time. Try colour coding your documents into categories today to get on top of your work.

Now it is over to you to utilise your desk space. Try our top tips today to see how you could affect your productivity and output. Browse our office storage products available here at Office Supermarket to clean up and organise your desks. Contact us today if you have any questions or require further information on our office furniture.

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